lørdag den 16. august 2014

My first Week so far

Things is really going fast for me right now.

Although I only have been here for three days I have already seen so much.

Firstly when I was travelling from Copenhagen to Newark I met so many great and wonderfull people. Our first stop in Newark was so great and wonderfull that I cannot describe it. Every single one of the people I travelled with was wonderfull
Me, Hans Chritian, Nikolaj and Marcus in Newark airport
When me and Marcus came to Boston the flight was amazingly around 30 minuttes early, but both Kenneth my club counsillor and Marcus's club counsillor had seen that and they were both waiting in the airport ready for us. During the trip home to Kenneths house I talked to him and his wife Sheri about Denmark and different interests. The day after was also really great and I came to meet Evan Dürr, who is the youth exchange student from Andover and he is travelling to Argentina. I also met his friends and it was really fun to talk with them. The rest of the day i really didn't do anything but starting on my presentation to the rotary club. The day after me and Kenneth got a bank account opened at Eastern Bank, and it was a whole other experience because i met all the staf in the bank and the different customers. We also met a potential host family. That was just great. The must funny thing in the bank was that i had to sign a document saying that i wasn't a US citizen. After that we got my cell phone working. They couldn't make the cell phone i had with work, so i borrowed an old phone from Kenneths house. So now my phone is working. Later that day I met Hellena and Alan Michel. Helena is norwegian and they are both very nice to me.

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